
SeaClouds aims to support the work of developers and application managers

SeaClouds performs a seamless adaptive multi-cloud management of service-based applications, by developing Cloud Service Orchestrators and a set of tools to manage complex applications, thus avoiding the problem of Cloud lock-in. This will be achieved by supporting the migration, replication, and distribution of modules that compose cloud-based applications over multiple and technologically diverse Clouds offerings, by using a unified management API and universal metrics for monitoring and verifying functional and non-functional properties.

Application Management

Streamlined multi-cloud management of your applications across platforms.

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Application Monitoring

Monitoring of applications deployed on several platforms, using universal metrics and user-defined SLA policies.

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Based on Standards

The results delivered by SeaClouds will be compatible with the current standards related to cloud interoperability, OASIS CAMP and TOSCA.

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Application Management

Application lifecycle management with the ability to dynamically deploy, migrate, replicate and distribute the modules that compose cloud-based applications among multiple PaaS offering, while checking both possible QoS violations and dynamic changes in the offer of the providers and the current demand.

A reconfiguration process capable of preserving the soundness of the orchestration, by performing life-cycle management actions when required, by means of a unified management API, which will be a reference for major international efforts of standardization such as CAMP and TOSCA.

SeaClouds Application Monitoring

A range of Standardized and Unified metrics of different types (low level, container level, app level, etc) based on disparate underlying cloud providers that will allow the runtime monitoring of deployed services so as to assure the end-to-end QoS of the complex application, regardless of how it is distributed across different PaaS.

Based on Standards

Although the management will be focused on the PaaS level, SeaClouds also takes advantage of selected monitoring indicators and management actions provided by IaaS supported by available tools.

By extending and incorporating CAMP into SeaClouds, SeaClouds covers all future CAMP-compliant providers or tools, allowing application developers to manage applications hosted on multiple Clouds environments.

Application packaging will be implemented using the TOSCA specification for multi-cloud applications, and deployed being CAMP-compliant.

About Us


Cloud computing reduces time-to-market and provides on-demand scalability at a low cost. Many private and public Clouds have emerged during the last years, offering a range of different technologies each suited for particular types of applications. SeaClouds tackles the problem of deploying and managing, in an efficient and adaptive way, complex multi-services applications over technologically heterogeneous Clouds environments. This allows organisations to embrace Cloud solutions and, at the same time, avoid risks of unreliability and vendor lock-in.

  • Atos


  • Universidad de Málaga

    Universidad de Málaga

  • Universita Di Pisa

    Universita Di Pisa

  • Politecnico Di Milano

    Politecnico Di Milano

  • Nurogames


  • Cloudsoft Corporation

    Cloudsoft Corporation